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Funny Shooter 2

541 plays
  • About the game


  • Author: GoGoMan
  • Category: Shoot'em up
  • Rating: 3.75

Play as a soldier who finds himself alone fighting hordes of absurd enemies on the battlefield. Many weapons are at your disposal to kill them. You will encounter all sorts of strange creatures as you progress. The battles take place in fields with tall grass and multicolored scenery where your opponents will appear in number. To make things harder for you, a relatively powerful boss will stand in your way every 10 levels. You will improve your arsenal but also your abilities to fight more and more efficiently and to ensure your survival. You will have access to machine guns, rifles, a grenade launcher, pistols and other weapons that inflict considerable damage. You must collect the coins left behind by the enemies you kill in order to finance your upgrades and purchases in the store. Try to complete the daily objectives to earn great rewards. Enjoy!

Funny Shooter 2


Use the WASD/ZQSD keys to move, the mouse to look around, to aim and to shoot, W + Shift to run, the spacebar to jump, 1-7 to change weapon, R to reload, G to throw a grenade and T to inspect the weapon.

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